Jobs Services

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15 services found.

Behavioral Health Services - LifeStream

LifeStream provides Social Services through Anthony House. It is a transitional housing facility. They offer individuals and family’s housing. They also offer teaching skills that help them to become self-sufficient. Services may include:

  • Child care
  • Education
  • Employment assistance
  • Legal services
  • Physical, mental and/or chemical health services
  • Training
  • Transportation assistance

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Connect - WellFlorida Council

Connect is a referral service. It helps expectant parents and families with young children. The goal is to improve birth outcomes and child development. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Programs include:

  • Education and Support in Childbirth
  • Newborn Care
  • Parenting
  • Child Development
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Mental Health
  • Financial Self-sufficiency

Florida Division of Blind Services - Vocational Rehabilitation

The aim of this agency is to create a barrier free environment for Floridians with visual disabilities. There are services for children and adults. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Programs & Services Available:

  • Blind Babies Program
  • Children's Program
  • Transition Services
  • Independent Living Program
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Program
  • Employer Services
  • Business Enterprise Program
  • Rehabilitative Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • Braille and Talking Books Library

Job Search – Employ Florida - Marion

Employ Florida Marketplace connects job seekers and employers. It has links to job training and education. Contact for more information or see website.

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Additional Location
2703 NE 14th Street
Ocala, FL 34470
Phone: 352.840.5700