Job Skills Training Services

You are searching for Job Skills Training Services

5 services found.

Disability Resource Center - Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida

The agency is a disability resource center. They help individuals with disabilities exert their rights to live as independently as possible. The group gives people the tools to be their own best resource. This is done by offering a wide range of programs and services. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Services & Programs Available:

Florida Division of Blind Services - Vocational Rehabilitation

The aim of this agency is to create a barrier free environment for Floridians with visual disabilities. There are services for children and adults. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Programs & Services Available:

  • Blind Babies Program
  • Children's Program
  • Transition Services
  • Independent Living Program
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Program
  • Employer Services
  • Business Enterprise Program
  • Rehabilitative Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • Braille and Talking Books Library

Refugee Resettlement & Immigration Services - Lutheran Services Florida

This group offers refugee and resettlement services to those in need. These services are offered by a program that is called Comprehensive Refugee Services, or CRS for short. The services can be with LSF or with another provider. A case manager will help you from start to finish. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Services Include:

Transition Youth Program

This agency has the Transition Youth program. It helps those with disabilities. The help is to get or keep a job after high school. Please call or visit website for more information.

Program Includes:

  • Job Exploration Counseling
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Post-secondary Educational Counseling
  • Self-advocacy Training
  • Work-based Learning Experience (WBLE)
  • Work Readiness Training