Finding a Job Services

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15 services found.

Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind Services - Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

This agency is known as VR for short. They offer services to help people with all types of hearing loss. VR assists with hearing skills training for job searches and interviews. They also help employers with interpreters and how to best work with those that are deaf or have hearing loss. Please call or visit the website for locations and more information.

Services Include:

Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking (Lucha) Program-Americans for Immigrant Justice

Lucha is for those dealing with domestic violence and human trafficking. There is free legal help for immigrants. You can get healthcare and mental health counseling. They can help with housing, school, and jobs. They help with banking, taxes, and earning a driver's license. See the website to learn more.

Call 305.573.1106 ext. 1400 or email for help.

Job Search -Employ Florida

Employ Florida Marketplace connects job seekers and employers. It has links to job training and education.

For Job Seekers

  • Create a resume
  • Research career and wage information
  • Find training programs
  • Conduct and save job searches
  • Receive automatic job notifications
  • Connect to local workforce experts

For Businesses

  • Post and manage job openings
  • Search candidates by skills, experience or region
  • Research labor market information
  • Learn about training grant opportunities
  • Connect to local workforce experts

Please visit website for more information.

Job Training - Clara White Mission

These programs offer students two options. One is a culinary arts program. The other is a janitorial service program. Both have been certified by the Florida Department Commission of Independent Education. Clients get the chance to practice the skills that will prepare them for a career in these industries. The programs were developed for adults 18 and older with a priority focus on Veterans. Please call for more information.

Refugee Services - Department of Children and Families

The agency helps refugees adapt to their new homes. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Services Include:

  • Adult & Vocational Education
  • Child Care
  • Comprehensive Refugee Services (CRS)
  • Eligibility Training
  • Employment Services
  • Employment Status Assistance (Legal) Services
  • Health Screenings
  • Interpreter Services
  • Youth Services
  • Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) Program