Jobs Services

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18 services found.

Divine Mercy House - St. Joseph's Catholic Church

This is a shelter for pregnant women over the age of 18 with no other children in their care. The house can accommodate one woman with a child under five in certain cases.

Education and job training are provided so the women can get a GED or college diploma. They will develop specific job seeking skills so they will be more self sufficient. Each woman stays an average of six to eight months after her baby is born.

Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 9am-4pm. The shelter is staffed 24 hours a day.

Jacksonville Bridge Community Release Center - Bridges International

This program can serve up to 140 inmates at a time. It gives participants the chance to get their lives back on track. They are employed during the day and work on substance abuse treatment, education and vocational courses at night. WR inmates pay a fee for their room and board. They also make court-ordered payments and send money home for family support. They are required to set money aside for savings upon release. Program offerings at each facility vary to best meet the needs of the men served. Please see the website for more information.

PACE Day Program - Pace Center for Girls, Inc.

The PACE Day Program is year-round. Teachers help middle and high school students with education. Counselors help with support, life skills training, and career preparation. They offer help at home, as well as at schools and within the local community. Services are tailored for each girl. This program is free.

Please call 904.421.8585 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more. Click HERE to see all locations.