Elderly Services

You are searching for Elderly Services

21 services found.

Adult Protective Services - Department of Children and Families

Department of Children and Families provides Adult Protective Services. They help adults who may be at risk of being harmed or neglected. DCF also helps adults who are unable to take care of themselves. Clients may be elderly or have a disability. Please call 800.962.2873 or visit website for more information.
***To Report Adult Abuse call 800.962.2873***

Alzheimer's Caregive Support Group-Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer's Resource Center

Two caregiver support groups are offered:

The Adult Children Support Group - The focus is on issues, concerns and questions adult children face as they care for a parent with memory loss. We also assist in teaching more about memory loss.

The Nursing Home/Assisted Living Issues Support Group - Topics covered:

  • How to be active in the loved one's care
  • How to make your visits more meaningful
  • How to resolve concerns and communicate with facility staff
  • State and federal regulations governing nursing homes and assisted living facilities
  • The care plan process

This group is a closed meeting for family members only. Call for more information.

Early Stage Alzheimer's Support Group-Alvin A Dubin Alzheimer's Resource Center

We offer a support group designed for those who have early stage dementia and are seeking information and support. The group includes:

  • Adjusting to new situations
  • Coping with changes and feelings related to memory loss
  • Topics such as questions and concerns about memory loss
  • Wellness and support systems

This group meets twice per month for a four month period. Those interested must be interviewed first to determine whether this type of group is right for them. Call for more information.