Family Assistance Services

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98 services found.

Arbor Place Hillsborough Supportive Housing Program - Volunteers of America

This group runs the Arbor Place Supportive Housing Program. It is for homeless individuals and families. They have been diagnosed with severe and persistent mental illness. The help will stabilize and prepare them for a life of independence. There are requirements that must be met to participate. Please call or visit the website for more information.


Program Includes:

Behavioral Health Services - Camelot Community Care

Children in foster care can receive many services under this program. Those who need a more structured home may be in therapeutic foster care. They may step down to supported foster care at a later time. In-home counseling provides services to clients in their home or school. Outpatient counseling is provided at Camelot's offices. Clients can also get targeted case management.

Please see the website for details.