Other Daily Needs Services

You are searching for Other Daily Needs Services

54 services found.

Legal Services and Resources - Disability Rights Florida

Disability Rights Florida provides free legal advocacy and rights protection to people with disabilities. Their attorneys provide aid in some of the following areas:

  • Medicaid eligibility disputes
  • Accessibility discrimination
  • Abuse, neglect, and rights violations
  • Employment discrimination
  • ...and more.

Visit the website below or call the following numbers for more information:


Lifeline Assistance Program - Assurance Wireless

Assurance Wireless offers free lifeline wireless phone services. You may qualify if you receive Medicaid or Food Stamps. You can also qualify based on your household income.
Separate households that live at the same address are eligible, including residents of homeless shelters and nursing homes. Residents with temporary addresses are also eligible. Please call or go to the website for more information.

Peaceful Paths - Emergency Shelter

Peaceful Paths provides Emergency Shelter. This shelter is for people forced to leave their own community because it is no longer safe. The shelter is staffed with trained people who can provide emotional support. Crisis counseling and referrals are also available. The address provided is not shelter location. Please call or visit website for more information.