Family Assistance Services

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140 services found.

Crianza con Cariño - Nurturing Family Program

The community center offers the Nurturing Family (Crianza con Cariño) program. The program happens twice a year. It is aimed at Hispanic families. It is done primarily in Spanish. There are 12 sessions, one night a week. The program helps families gain skills that increase their unity. They are given dinner and transportation.

Please call 407.880.4673 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

Domestic Abuse Shelter - Harbor House of Central Florida

If you need to leave an abusive situation, Harbor House can help you prepare ahead of time so that you can protect yourself, your children, or pets. They have a domestic violence shelter. The shelter might not be the right answer for you. If so, they can help you find other options.

Please call 407.886.2244 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

24-Hour Hotline: 407.886.2856

Domestic Violence Advocacy - Florida Legal Services

This group runs the Florida Domestic Violence Hotline. It is staffed by attorneys. They offer advice on various legal issues. The services are for survivors of domestic or dating violence. As well as survivors of stalking or human trafficking. Translation and interpretation services are available free of charge. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Domestic Violence Legal Helpline: 850.385.0611
Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.500.1119 Option 3

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation - Foundation For Life Ministries

This group has a residential recovery program. It is faith-based and is between 12 and 24 months long. The program is for men battling addiction to either drugs or alcohol. Through a long-term care program, men can regain their strengths. It can help them rebuild their family relationships. They also help men strengthen their relationship with God.

Please call 407.859.3498 or click HERE to go to the website to learn more.

Eating Disorder Groups- National Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness

The Alliance provides free, weekly eating disorder groups. These groups are led by a therapist. The sessions take place both virtually and in person. Help is available for all eating disorders. Please call or visit the website for more information.

List of Meeting Locations in Florida can be found here. Virtual Meetings are also available.