Job Skills Training Services

You are searching for Job Skills Training Services

5 services found.

Job Connections

Job Connections helps people find long-term employment or better paying jobs. We match employers with job-seekers. This free service is available to:

  • Individuals with disabilities
  • people with limited work history
  • veterans
  • recipients of government support programs
  • everyone looking for a job

We also provide:

  • career counseling
  • interest and aptitude assessment
  • assistance with writing resumes and cover letters
  • role playing interview exercises
  • assistance in completing and submitting applications

Refugee Resettlement & Immigration Services - Lutheran Services Florida

This group offers refugee and resettlement services to those in need. These services are offered by a program that is called Comprehensive Refugee Services, or CRS for short. The services can be with LSF or with another provider. A case manager will help you from start to finish. Please call or visit the website to learn more.

Services Include:

Step Up Suncoast

We are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other. We look to change lives through education, partnerships, and delivery of quality services. Please call or visit our website for more info.

Programs and services include: