Elderly Services

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11 services found.

Find a Ride - Safe Mobility For Life

The FDOT runs the Safe Mobility for Life Program. One service they offer is called Find a Ride Florida. It offers seniors access to local medical and non-medical transportation options. This is to help make sure they can remain independent within their communities. Find a ride does not offer any services. The program just helps people find transportation providers in their area. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Senior Friendship Centers - Social Services & Case Management

Senior Friendship Centers helps older adults live independently. Through Social Services & Case Management they are able to help with a wide range of services. Case managers match service options available through programs funded at the State and Federal levels to help clients receive the care they need. Please call the Elder Helpline. It is a toll free number. This is where you will start to access services. A preliminary needs assessment will determine which programs you qualify for, and where you can access them. From this needs assessment, you will be referred to services, or, in some cases, placed on a waiting list for services.