Transportation Services

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149 services found.

Columbia County Senior Services - LifeStyle Enrichment Center

This Senior center offers a hot lunch Monday through Friday. A dietician is on hand to answer any questions about diet and nutrition. They also provide home-delivered meals to seniors who are home bound. There are a number of daily activities at the Center. These include exercise, crafts, quilting, Bible Circle, acting and more. Please see the website for more information.

Fort White Location:
18829 Hwy. 47 South
Fort White FL 32038
Hours: M-F 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Connexion Paratransit Services - JTA

Connexion is JTA's paratransit service. It provides transportation services to disabled and disadvantaged riders unable to use the fixed route buses or rail service. There are fees for each ride. Assessments for the service are done in person. Please see the website for more information.

Important Numbers:
Cancellations: 904.265.8927
Customer Service: 904.265.8928
Eligibility Center: 904.265.6001
Reservations: 904.265.6999
TDD: 904.636.7404