North Florida Medical Centers - Jessie Furlow Medical Center

Service Type

Jessie Furlow Medical Center is part of North Florida Medical Centers, Inc. They provide medical care for the entire family. Most insurance is accepted, including Blue Cross / Blue Shield, Medicare and Medicaid, and more. They offer a sliding fee discount program. They also have a discount prescription program for patients. Please call or visit the website for more information.

Service Location

1249 Strong Road
Quincy, FL 32351
United States



North Florida Medical Centers, Inc. provides medical and dental care. These services are offered at an affordable cost to the community. They accept most insurance. They also offer a sliding fee discount program. A discount prescription drug program is also offered. They work to make sure their services are given to anyone in need. They also offer outreach to elementary schools.


2804 Remington Green Circle
Tallahassee, FL 32308
United States
